My bug out "drill" needs some work. Packing up my gear onto our vehicle took far longer than expected and more labor intensive than I hoped. This would be an issue when I am trying to minimize stress and conserve energy. I have to keep in mind that one of the most valuable parts of a bug out is timing when to do so. We timed it right this time, just ahead of a lot of people who thought Saturday morning would be ideal.
I have surveyed the area multiple times, our biggest risk for now are downed trees. If any of the nearby trees fall towards the house we would have problems. It is dark now and I will need to look at these again tomorrow (Saturday) morning. For now we still have power, water and food. It seems my group brought the most supplies to the bug out location. We have the most tools, equipment, food and water. This incident should prove a good reason to start educating them on prepping.
Some observations:
- Plans for loading and bugging out will have issues.We had a cart to haul some boxes and that did not work. In theory it seemed a good idea, but with the weight and the need to keep quiet down the hallways so as not to make people aware of my preps, I snuck them out by carrying them instead.
- My wife had "prepped" some stuff as well in the last minute. Mostly regular comfort items. They added a lot to carry and load to our vehicle. More than I expected and at some point hindering visibility to my rear view.
- I wanted to keep a low profile so that my neighbors won't see my stuff. It was doable, but it would only take one to see me and gossip.
- I did not take all our bug out boxes-I left one box full of food. I do not expect the stay to last that long. If it does, then there are other more complex reasons leading to bigger problems.
- I was the only able bodied person capable of loading the heavy gear. It may be useful to divvy up the load so others can help me and keep busy.
- At some point I had some tunnel vision due to the stress and alertness getting out. Used up a lot of energy to calm myself down.
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